Uruguay – United States Relations
The first precedent of formal bilateral relations took place in 1836, when the United States issued an exequatur to John Darby, as Consul General of Uruguay in New York. In 1867, diplomatic relations were established when Minister Resident Alexander Asboth presented his credentials to the Government of Uruguay.
Uruguay and the United States enjoy a strong bilateral relationship, which is demonstrated by the depth and length of matters of great importance to both.

Invest in Uruguay
The important growth of the country over the last decade is linked to the significant increase in investment. In Uruguay, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has reached record levels, and has positioned the country among the main recipients of FDI, in terms of GDP in South America.
Reliable country
Gateway to Latin America
The best partner to develop businesses
Availability of talent
Better quality of life
Buy from Uruguay
Uruguay chosen by the world: The country offers important advantages as provider of quality goods and services with high added value. Its geographical location positions it as a logistics platform to export from Uruguay to the world. A stable and reliable country.
Strategic location
Ease to do business
International standards
Natural and innovative production
Competitive national talent

Tourism in Uruguay
Uruguay is enjoyable all year long: A country full of culture and nature. Marked by it’s traditions, native flavors and warmth people.
We invite you to visit the website of the Ministry of Tourism of Uruguay so you can find out about the latest news in tourism in Uruguay, places to go, what to do, information about tourism during the pandemic, as well as some tips on interest for those who would like to visit our beautiful country.
Travel to Uruguay
Learn everything you need to know to travel to Uruguay, as well as the requirements to enter the country, information about visas and migration, work in Uruguay, study in Uruguay, live in Uruguay, how to obtain a tax residence in Uruguay and information about the COVID-19 pandemic.