ICT in Uruguay
Many technology companies take advantage of the benefits offered by Uruguay to install their global operations covering the entire ICT value chain, establishing Commercial and Logistics Offices, Service Operations and R&D Centers.
Some of the advantages that Uruguay offers are:
Strategic location in the region
Opposite seasons to the northern hemisphere
Diversity of locations
Short distances and fluid traffic
Highly qualified staff
Security and transparency
Internet and state-of-the-art equipment
Cash rebate, Uruguay Audiovisual Program
Temporary admission
COVID protocol

Pharma and Life Sciences
Uruguay has a long tradition in the pharmaceutical industry, with experienced and knowledgeable research groups. Pharmaceutical and medical device companies combine developed business schemes such as regional headquarters, centralization of administrative, financial and human resources services, coordination of the supply chain.
Some of the advantages that Uruguay offers are:
Political and economic stability
Strategic location in the region
Tax exemptions
Skilled and qualified workforce
High quality of life